Tag: Moogseum

After Moog: The most depressing story in the industry gets worse

A storied company continues to gut staff and reportedly shift product manufacturing overseas under new ownership.

Hey Bob! Win a Vintage Minimoog Signed by Herbie Hancock

The Moog Foundation's annual raffle kicks off with a one-of-a-kind prize - a vintage Minimoog Model D signed by jazz legend Herbie Hancock.

The MOOGSEUM is Maybe the Coolest Museum in the World

The new Moogseum showcases theremins, Moogs and artifacts of the dawn of the synthesizer age on permanent display in Asheville, North Carolina.


Brutal layoffs at Bandcamp as new owner slashes 50% of staff

A week after promising to preserve many of the site's most beloved features, Bandcamp's new owner has gutted the company's staff. The writing team at Bandcamp Daily is reportedly down to just 3 people.