Tag: pirahnahead

Diviniti – In Due Time

5 Mag speaks to Detroit house music vocalist Diviniti on the making of In Due Time, performing and teaching, and the "grit and glamor" learned & earned as an artist in Detroit.

Reggie Dokes: The Searcher

Producer, DJ, composer for films and a 100% pure Detroit electronic music artist, Reggie Dokes is at heart a searcher, a seeker in the tradition of great Black diaspora seekers like Sun Ra. His music is heady, introspective, interstellar and dope a f.

Kenny Hanlon – RISE vol 3

This week's mix from 5 Mag comes from Apartment Records' Kenny Hanlon.

The Best of Lumberjacks In Hell

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/56511640" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /] I think I've written about most of these, some in the context of calling Lumberjacks In Hell "the...

New Releases: Three of Our Favorite Detroiters Collaborate on Move

Oh snap: Several of our favorite people from Detroit are collaborating on "Move" - a Soulful House bomb and the 19th release from Detroit's...

People You Should Know: Pirahnahead

"Being from a primarily poor black city, people from Detroit hustle like no one else and can turn shit to sugar in a minute."


Brutal layoffs at Bandcamp as new owner slashes 50% of staff

A week after promising to preserve many of the site's most beloved features, Bandcamp's new owner has gutted the company's staff. The writing team at Bandcamp Daily is reportedly down to just 3 people.