Nightclub, photo by Alexander Popov

Why Are All the Nightclubs Shutting Down?

It's gone global. From London to New York we're hearing the same thing: where the fuck are all the nightclubs going?

Everything Has Changed and the Industry Hasn’t Noticed (Yet)

Will Sumsuch went to the Brighton Music Conference, and what he saw was "an industry suffering from an identity crisis."

The Shitlabel Manifesto

The world is going to shit and music is leading the way. is Now

A bit of meta for our readers who may have followed us to this site from an old link or post: 5 Mag has moved from our historic domain at to our new...

Chicago Is Becoming the Tiny Town from Footloose Where It’s Illegal To Dance

Another day, another closure. Who would want to open a nightclub in Chicago?

Why We Don’t Publish Premieres

There are a lot of words here but the main point is that they suck. For everyone.

Why DJs Get Better With Age

Like wine, whiskey and jazz. DJ skills don't erode with age.

Finding Your Fam

A survivor's guide to happiness in a world full of dancefloor acquaintances & strangers on the internet.

Inside the Social Media Bubble

Inside our heads where it's 72 degrees and sunny and it always plays music we already like.

RA Kills Off Its Top DJ Poll

This is fantastic news.

The Dance Music Brain Drain

Why do so many talented people stop writing about House Music?

Why Your Friends Don’t Buy Your Records

Haters, liars - and why you need to listen to them.

Tears of a Cloud

Don't cry for the demise of SoundCloud. But it's sad what SoundCloud should have been.

Broke(n): How Music Got Cheap

Where did all the money go? This is how music got cheap and making it got expensive.
frankie knuckles ron hardy

Frankie Knuckles, Ron Hardy and How House Music Movies Are Made

Everyone will be Unsung. Including you.


Brutal layoffs at Bandcamp as new owner slashes 50% of staff

A week after promising to preserve many of the site's most beloved features, Bandcamp's new owner has gutted the company's staff. The writing team at Bandcamp Daily is reportedly down to just 3 people.