System of Survival Handling EP

Slinky techno with a warm analog rinse: Peter De Lisi and Alex Carpentieri are System of Survival and these tracks play like live cuts, drum machines synced up and triggered blink by blink, blissful chords anchored by a blissful 303 sludge. System of Survival maintain an elementary song structure, though, raucous noise shaped and sharpened by their fine musical instincts.

The title track for their Handling EP is the best specimen of this, but all five tracks here follow same architectural blueprint. What comes out: joyful tracks that have a hand-crafted quality to them, music that comes pretty close to capturing a really good night out on tape.

System of Survival pres. Distortion Under Control: Handling EP (Fventi / Digital)
1. System of Survival pres. Distortion Under Control: Tibe-Tan (6:29)
2. System of Survival pres. Distortion Under Control: Handling (6:56)
3. System of Survival pres. Distortion Under Control: SOS Live 001 (5:56)
4. System of Survival pres. Distortion Under Control: Totem (6:26)
5. System of Survival pres. Distortion Under Control: Tiger (1:09)

⚪️ Disclosure Statement: This record was submitted as a promo.


Originally published in 5 Mag issue 201 featuring the making of Detroit techno documentary God Said Give Em Drum Machines, 10 years of Heist with Dam Swindle, Nala on Mi Domina, Ultra Nate, Steve Mill, what Spotify is doing to dance music (and why it’s a bad thing) & more. Help support 5 Mag by becoming a member for just $1 per issue.

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