DJ Rush

As Carl Sagan liked to put it, when you peered into outer space, you were also looking back in time. And the view could get a bit… cloudy.

We’ve been debating back and forth about whether to post some of the mixes that are more obscured by tape hiss, muffled bass and other artifacts of a history probably as interesting as the recording itself. In the end, we decided that if we can look through the clouds to see it — if there’s still something great there — then there might be some value if listeners want to turn up the power on their own telescopes too.

This is a set from DJ Rush, featuring (now!) classic House Music and Disco, reputedly from 1990.

On iTunes On HearThis On Mixcloud

If you like this side of DJ Rush, we have a couple of other mixes from his birthday parties in Chicago a few years back:

DJ Rush Live in Chicago January 6 2011
DJ Rush Live in Chicago January 7 2010

Photo By Julien Christ (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


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